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・環境 / Environment
Twenty years from now, do you think people will be less dependent on cars?
I think so, because we have environmental problems. Exhaust gas from cars is bad for environment. I think we will use public transportation, trains or buses, instead of cars.

As countries grow and develop, will the environment always suffer?
I think so. When the countries industrialize, they use a lot of materials. It makes a lot of industrial wastes and they destroy the environment.

Many people use cars to move. What do you think about this?
I think it is not good for the earth to use only cars to move. We should use more clean energy to move.

Do you feel that you are doing enough to help the environment?
No, I don’t. I know many people join volunteer works as environment problems, but I haven’t joined the works.

Why do you think the environment has become such an important issue?
I think it is because recently a lot of environmental problems have occurred, for example the green house effects and the acid rains. So, many people are getting interested in the problems.

Should more places be recognized as World Heritage sites in order to preserve them?
I don’t think so, because if the sites become famous as World Heritage sites, the site’s nation will be destroyed by visitors.

In addition to food and water, what items would you put in your earthquake survival kit?
I think it is a flash light. Even if the emergency happened during the night, we can move using the flash light.

What must be done to assist people in disaster areas?
I think we must send food and water to the people. It is very important for people to eat and drink something.

・マナー / Manner
A restaurant owner decided to prohibit smoking in his restaurant. Do you think the owner made the right decision?
I think so. The number of people who dislike smoking is increasing these days. Many people will go to the restaurant soon.

What kind of public behavior annoys you?
It is talking on a cell phone on a train. Everyone knows that we can’t talk on the cell phone on the train, but many people, especially young people, talk on their cell phones. Their voices really annoy me.

What do you think can be done to promote good behavior in public?
I think adult people should set good examples for children, and teach them about good and bad behavior in public.

Compared with people in the past, do you think people today are more selfish?
I think so, because, for example, most people don’t bring back the umbrellas which they have borrowed at the station.

・仕事、会社 / Job, Company
When employees are transferred to other locations, they often have to live apart from their families. What do you think about that?
I think it is good if they have their own home. They can save their money. However, if they live in a rental house or apartment, they should live in the same location.

Should companies have to provide daycare facilities for the children of employees?
I think so. Many employees want to continue to work after they have children. If the company has the facilities, they can continue to work.

More and more companies are allowing their employees to dress casually. How do you think this affects job performance?
I think that dressing casually at work helps us to relax.

For you, what kind of company would be ideal to work for?
I think the ideal company is one that gives me a high salary and various experiences through working.

Do you think that the mandatory retirement system is necessary? Why?
I don’t think so, because some elderly people have great skill as their work. All people shouldn’t retire when they become a certain age.

Do you think that the lifetime employment system is necessary? Why?
I think so, because we can work for a long time and work without the fear of being laid off.

Do you think that promotion at work should be based on job performance or seniority?
I think it should be based on job performance. Young talented people should be promoted earlier than older ordinary people.

Do you think that more small family-run businesses will close down in the future?
I don’t think so. There are a lot of niche markets all over the world. If they find the market and make good products, they will continue to run.

Many people who work in the city choose to live in the suburbs despite the longer commute. What do you think about that?
I don’t think it is good a idea, because I know it is really tiring to commute long distances for a long time. If we have enough money, we should live near the office.

・子供、家族 / Children, Family
Why do you think some parents are reluctant to let their children own cell phone?
I think it is because they think cell phones are too expensive for their children, and in some cases, children are involved in crimes caused by using cell phones.

When do you think children become adults?
I think it is when they become 20 years old. A special ceremony is held for them and they gain a lot of rights and social responsibilities then.

Should parents discuss important family decisions with their children?
I think so, because if they can’t participate in the decisions, they must think they aren't a member of the family.

The birthrate in Japan is among the lowest in the world. Should the government do more encourage people to have children?
I think so. I think young couples want to have children but they don’t have enough money and enough time to take care of their children, and they don’t have dreams for their future. The government should do something to solve these problems.

Do you think parents in general should be strict with their children?
I think so, because they have to teach their children public manners. If the children don’t know public manners, they will bother other people.

Some people say that today’s families spend less time together than they used to. Do you agree?
I agree. Nowadays, many children spend time in cram schools after school or on holidays, and many both parents work late at night. So, it is difficult for them to spend a long time together.

・教育、学校 / Education, School
Do you think there are enough opportunities in your community for people who want to learn new skills?
I think so. There are a lot of special schools. If we have enough money, we can learn what we want at those schools.

Some people say that learning new skills from an early age is important. What do you think about that?
I think so. Many professionals start to learn their skills when they are very young.

Do you think schools are doing enough to prepare students for work in the age of computers?
I don’t think so, because most computers in schools are too old and the teachers don’t know much about computers.

Do you think playing sports helps to develop good characters?
I think so. We can learn a lot of things through playing sports, for example effort and team work. They are important in our lives.

Which school subjects have been useful to you?
I think Japanese history. The knowledge of Japanese history helps me to understand contemporary problems in Japan, such as political problems and economic problems.

What do you think can be done to make classes more interesting?
I think experts in every field should talk in front of school students. Their speeches are always interesting for students. The students will be interested in the subject.

Do you think it is important to have a university education in society today?
I think so, because we can make many friends and have a lot of time to think about ourselves. It is useful to get a wide view of society.

Do you think the current system of entrance exams in Japan puts too much pressure on children?
I think so, because they have to study for a long time. They don’t have a lot of time to play with their friends. Children should play with their friends in their childhood.

Many schools in Japan have introduced a five-day school week. What do you think about that?
I think it is a good thing. They can spend enough time playing with friends or their family.

Should the government provide scholarships for students who wish to study abroad?
I think so, because some students don’t have enough money to study abroad. If they are excellent students, the government should support them.

Should schools be doing more to teach young people about social responsibility?
I don’t think so. It should be taught by their parents. It is difficult for teachers to teach social responsibility.

・人間関係 / Human relations
Can sports be used as a tool to help bring different nations closer together?
I think so. Even if they can’t speak same language, they can play the same sports, and they can communicate with each other through playing the sports.

Is it important to socialize with colleagues after work to maintain good relations with them?
I think so, because we can know about their private matters, such as family and hobbies. It will be helpful in our job.

・男女問題 / Gender problem
Do you consider yourself to be open-mind about gender roles? Please explain?
Yes. I have a woman manager in my department and I really respect her as a business person. She is a very efficient worker.

If you could choose, which gender would you prefer to be, and why?
I want be a woman because women can have their children.

Do you think men and women will ever have total equality in society?
I think so. In the past, women didn’t have the same rights as men. Nowadays, however, more women go to university and receive high education than before. In addition, some women become manager in a company and they have a good performance at work.

Recently, some train companies in Japan have introduced train carriages for women only. Do you think this is a good idea?
I think it is a good idea, because there are a lot of troubles in the train between men and women.

・就職、採用 / Employment, Recruitment
Imagine that you were a personal manager. Which would you consider more important when hiring people: work skills or personality?
- I think it is personality, because if the people don’t have work skills, we can teach them the work skills. However, it is difficult to improve their personality.

Why do you think that more and more young people are choosing part-time work over full-time work?
I think it is because they want time to play and they want to work when they have extra time.

Do you think people these days change their jobs too often?
I don’t think so. Although some people change their jobs too often, most people work in one company until they reach their retirement age.

Do you think young people’s attitudes toward their companies are changing?
I think so. In the past, most workers continued to work in the one company until they retired. But now, 30% young workers leave their company within three years.

・法律、制度、政治 / Law, Institution, Politics
Would the introduction of stricter laws improve road safety?
I think so, because drivers dislike being punished for breaking laws. They will drive more carefully.

What do you think can be done to reduce the number of traffic accidents?
I think we should introduce strict laws. Drivers dislike being punished for breaking laws. They will drive more carefully.

Do we need more laws to govern public behavior?
I don’t think so. There are enough laws to govern us. We should educate each other about public behavior.

Why do you think many drivers decide not to use parking lots?
I think it is because the fee to park in parking lots is too high.

Would you agree to pay higher taxes if the government promised better public services?
I wouldn’t agree, because I think there is a lot of wasted tax money in the way they work. The government should improve their way of working before demanding more taxes.

Should political leaders always do what the public wants?
I think so, because the government is run by using public taxes.

・人生、価値観 / Life, Values
Which do you think is more important in achieving success: effort or ability?
I think it is effort. If you want to succeed in something, you need to continue doing the same things for a long term. It needs not ability but effort.

Some people think that taking risks in life is sometimes necessary. Do you agree?
Yes, I agree. When I was child, I tried to climb a cliff. The experience became a good memory for me.

Some people think that money is the key to happiness. Do you agree?
I agree. If we don’t have money, we can’t live or we can’t buy what we want. I think it is not happiness.

Do you think people are becoming too health-conscious these days?
I think so, because I see a lot of books about health-conscious in book stores and many people buy and read them.

For you, what would be the ideal way to spend your retirement years?
I want to spend time reading books.

Are people today forgetting the value of reading books?
I think so. Nowadays, we have a lot of entertainment, for example, television, the internet, and computer games. So, the number of people who read books is decreasing.

How important do you think it is for young people to make their own decisions about the future?
I think it is very important. If they don’t make any decisions about their choices by themselves, they will regret in the future.

Do you think professional athletes make good role models?
I think so, because they make great efforts to accomplish their goals. We can learn a lot of things from their efforts.

・地域社会 / Community
Do you participate in community or neighborhood activities?
No, I don’t. I have a lot of work to do every day. I am too busy to participate in those activities.

The number of elderly people in Japan is growing quickly. What do you think of the so-called aging society?
I think that the aging society will cause a lot of problems, for example, our workforce or pension system. The government should address these problems.

Is it important for people to be involved in their local community nowadays?
I think so. If the residents who live in the community become friends, they can help each other when they have trouble.

Do you think communities would be safer if people knew their neighbors better?
I think so, because it becomes easy to notice strangers who appear in their communities.

Do you think senior citizens are valued enough in society?
I think so, because some of them have great skills. We have a lot of things to learn from them.

・日本人 / Japanese
These days it is becoming more and more common for Japanese people to work or study in foreign countries. What do you think about this trend?
I don’t think it is good. Nowadays, many Japanese people don’t know Japanese history or culture. I think more and more Japanese people will lose their identities.

These days, many Japanese people are taking vacations overseas rather than in Japan. Why do you think this is happening?
I think it is because they like to see great views or eat strange food in foreign countries. Those experiences will be good memories for them.

・その他 / Others
Do you think everyone should learn how to use computers?
No, I don’t. I think that using computers is difficult for elderly people and most them can live without using computers.

Do you think advertising has a negative influence on people?
I think so. Sometimes, the advertisement gives us a too good image about the product or services.

Do you think young people these days have more chances to achieve their ambitions?
I think so. Now, there are many special schools about sports, arts, music, and so on. If their parents have enough money, they can learn and achieve their ambitions in those schools.

Do you feel you work or study better when you are under pressure.
No, I don’t. I can work or study better when I am relaxed.

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