
ハゲタカ アルバート・クラリスのセリフ


第一話、ホライズン・インベストメントワークス本社において代表のAlbert Claris(アルバート・クラリス)と鷲津政彦との会話だ。


You've been with our company for 5 years.
You closed 8 bills collecting over 2 billion dollars in investments.

Your average annual rate of return is 28%, and you have a great track record with buyout.

As you know, since the initiatives of the US government paid off.

The Japanese financial market has finally started emerging from its period of isolation.

Japan is now a gold mountain, and I say the time is ripe.

Our investors want to inject ample funds into Japanese markets to reap the rewards.

We'll give you five years.
Make us proud.

Buy Japan out!

この最後の「Buy Japan out!」てセリフで一気にこのドラマに引き込まれてしまった。

ハゲタカ DVD-BOX
ポニーキャニオン (2007-07-18)
売り上げランキング: 3,544

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